
Cromhall Parish Council will from time to time will undertake public consultation on projects and matters affecting the parish. 

As your representatives the council wishes to ensure that:

  1. The council clearly articulates what it wishes to achieve.
  2. The council engages in meaningful two-way dialogue with the community, to discuss issues and gather opinions.  This may be through public meetings, questionnaires or surveys (both online and paper to ensure the digitally disadvantaged have opportunities to contribute) or by personal contact by councillors.
  3. The council provides clear and transparent information.
  4. The community has ample opportunities to contribute information, knowledge, and express views in a variety of formats.
  5. The council and community aim to work together to develop a shared vision and suitable outcomes.
  6. The council keeps the community informed of progress, timescales any final decisions/outcomes.










Street lighting in Cromhall.

South Gloucestershire Council i LED lighting presentation from 11th March 2020 

Cromhall LED Lighting replacemet programme presentation


Neighbourhood plan – did not progress

Final Neighbourhood plan voting slip & information

The parish council wishes to thank those who responded to the survey.  Following the parish-wide consultation and presentation at the 2017 Annual Assembly meeting, the community did not express a desire to progress a Neighbourhood plan.


Parish Plan – completed 

The parish council wishes to thank everyone who contributed to the survey.  The parish plan was delivered to every household in the parish

Parish Plan Introduction to CROMHALL PARISH PLAN

Parish Plan