Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new development, collected by South Gloucestershire Council. A small proportion is then distributed to the local Parish Council.

The South Glos Council website holds more information about CIL and how it is applied.

CIL funds can be used to provide or maintain infrastructure. In recent years the parish council has used CIL funding to purchase new equipment for the children’s play area and to install the white gateways at the entrances to the village.

Each year we are required to send information back to South Glos Council as to how CIL funds have been spent. The reports for recent years can be found below. Please note that the dates are for when the CIL money was collected – so for example, the CIL report for 2021/22 refers to funds collected from developers in that year, passed to the parish council in 2022/23 and reported back in late 2023.

CIL spending reports

CIL Cromhall Parish Council 2018~19

CIL Cromhall Parish Council 2019~20

CIL Cromhall Parish Council 2020~21

CIL Cromhall Parish Council 2021-22